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About Us

The dental practice Dr. Lehmann

Practice management & dentists

Dr. med. dent. Barbara Lehmann

Federally certified dentist SSO

Anthony Wacker

Operations Manager

Dental hygiene & Assistants

Luana Stoob

Dental Assistant EFZ

Sugitha Mahalingam-Molla

Prophylaxis Assistant SSO

Sidra Almasry

Dental Assistant EFZ

Stiva Qarri

Prophylaxeassistentin SSO

Nejila Jusufi

Dental assistant i.T.

Ana Correia

Prophylaxeassistentin SSO

Explore our practice before your visit.

Relax before the appointment
Comfortable waiting lounge
State-of-the-art facilities
Well-equipped treatment rooms
Low-radiation X-rays
360° X-ray on site

CEO, Dr. med. dent. Barbara Lehmann

With over 20 years of experience and a broad range of expertise in periodontics, I am proud to support my patients with excellent dental care. Unlike general dentists, periodontists have undergone specialized training and are specialized in the treatment of diseases of the periodontium. This allows me to offer you a number of clear advantages.

Dr. med. dent. Barbara Lehmann. Specialist dentist in periodontology SSO/SSP in Zurich

More than just dentistry – top service

What differentiates us from other dental practices and centers is the customer service that our team gives its best for every day.

These include, for example, our loyalty program, with which we want to motivate you to come for dental hygiene more often, or our driving service to and from the dentist's office, which is particularly popular with older people, as well as therapy for anxious patients.

You see, you are in good hands in our dental practice in Zurich.

Our quality policy

The Dr. Lehmann dental practice has a practice-wide quality management system (QSS) that guarantees the highest standards of quality and professionalism. The focus of our actions is customer orientation, which shapes all of our services. Our quality management system ensures the continuous improvement and optimization of our services.

Another central component of our practice philosophy is the targeted promotion of the high level of professional competence of our employees, as they represent our greatest asset. These measures ensure the consistently high quality of our services and the satisfaction of our patients.

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Online appointments available

Book your appointment online now.

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